Attachment, Caregiving and Parenting

This collection provides the knowledge and tools necessary to understand the formation and impact of attachment, caregiving and parenting styles

Increasing long term wellbeing and relationship success

Attachment, caregiving and Parenting

How do our early year shape our futures?



From birth the way we interact with other people fundamentally shapes our future relationships. Not just close personal relationships, but all relationships, including the most important one, the one we have with ourselves.

This selection of courses explores how attachment and caregiving styles are formed, how they interact with each other and the impact on our parenting styles.



All courses are online. For more information or to register interest just press the button . 

Why early interactions matter

How our Attachment System works and the impact on future development

From before birth, we are learning about ourselves, other people and the world we have been born into.

This course explains how our early attempts to build attachments combine with the responses we receive from caregivers shapes our future.


All courses are online. For more information or to register interest just press the button . 

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