Privacy Policy

This is privacy policy of Shirley Green Training and Consultancy and detail the way we collect, store, use and dispose of personal information.


The information we collect only comes from people who have consented to be included on the mailing list, those who have booked on training or contacted us via social media or Eventbrite.

We only collect names and e-mail addresses as necessary to ensure we can contact individuals if training session information changes or to make contact in emergencies. 

All information collected is stored safely on a password protected computer system or is held by third parties (Eventbrite) until such time as the booking is completed.

Evaluation data will always be recorded anonymously and will be used for reporting and service improvement purposes.

Your information will not be shared with any third party except for bespoke training which is commissioned by an organisation. In this instance your organisation may request details of attendees.


The only exception within the policy is safeguarding. Where concern for the safety of yourself of another is present, Shirley Green and representatives will pass on these concerns to relevant people after discussion with you.

Shirley Green is the data controller for the information you give us. We use your consent, or legitimate interest, as the lawful basis for processing personal information.






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