Relational Aggression

This collection describes the behaviours and impact of relational aggression throughout our lives. 

We explore the forms of relational aggression and the impact it has not only on the target of the aggression but also on the aggressor.

Exploring Relational Aggression

'Mean Girls' and Bullies - how to recognise relational aggression

In this training we explore the dynamics of relational aggression. Beginning by defining relational aggression, we move on to see how it is used at various stages of our lives. We identify the behaviours which indicate relational aggression is happening and the harmful impact of RA for the targeted person as well as the aggressor. Finally we provide tips and tools you can use to protect yourself and others from harm.

All courses are online. For more information or to register interest just press the button . 

Schools and friendships in Adolescence

Child development and relational aggression

This training identifies the relational aggression of young people. It explores how it is used to gain power over others, to increase personal self esteem and the damage it can do to the lives of the target and the aggressor. The training also provides tips and tools you can use to reduce the impact of relational aggression in friendship groups as well as in schools.

All courses are online. For more information or to register interest just press the button . 

Relational Aggression at Work

Destroying the team

This training look at how relational aggression is used in the workplace and the consequences for the individual target, the team as a whole and the productivity of the organisation.

All courses are online. For more information or to register interest just press the button . 

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