Fear, Threat and Trauma Responses

This collection of training explores the way our hostile experiences influence our thinking and behaviour, offering knowledge and skills as well as a practical tool kit and increased confidence.

Trauma responses and challenges across the life span.

Developing Trauma Informed Practice

What is Trauma informed practice, why do I need it 

Have you ever had a client who appear to be acting in ways which make their lives harder? 

Who refuse to work with you even though you could improve their lives? 

Who agree to everything but are unable to follow through?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, this session is for you.

Have you ever walked away from a stressful event thinking why do I have to be so aggressive or bossy? Or conversely why can I not speak up and make my case? Why do I go silent?

Have you ever felt ashamed, frustrated, or disappointed with yourself?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, this session is for you.

As human beings we all have times in our lives when we behave in ways which we do not fully understand and find distressing.

This session provides insight into those times and shares practical skills and tools we can use to understand our own responses and support positive engagement and outcomes for our clients.

All courses are online. For more information or to register interest just press the button . 

Working with Families. A trauma Informed Approach

Trauma Informed Practice Skills

If you are working with children, young people and families who display self destructive behaviours; threat and historic trauma may well be playing a part. 

This session looks at the development of trauma (threat) responses. You will learn how the unconscious mind takes over control of behaviour and reduces the likelihood of engagement as well as  providing practitioners and support staff with some tools which support families to make long term positive change.

All courses are online. For more information or to register interest just press the button . 

Increasing Engagement, Collaboration and Achievement

for Patients, Clients and Service users in Health, Schools and Social Care and the Voluntary Sector

There are times in every professional life when working with people can become difficult. The people we most want to help, and believe we can help, either wont engage with us or appear to engage but then appear unable to follow through on our agreement.

This session explains the reason why we all have times when we don't act in our own best interest, how this relates to those seeking or needing help from us, and some simple solutions you can use to enable higher levels of engagement and long lasting change.


 For more information or to register interest just press the button . 

Vicarious Trauma

The risks and rewards of working with people

As professionals working with people, we are at risk of developing vicarious trauma from hearing the worst things that people can experience on an all to regular basis.

This session looks at how trauma and threat responses develop and how a mixture of our own past plus our professional experiences can lead to a variety of avoidable problems.

Finally this session will offer some new perspectives which can reduce risk and support healing for professionals.

 For more information or to register interest just press the button . 

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